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    Publicada el martes, 5 de julio de 2016 | Actualizada el domingo, 13 de mayo de 2018

    Con técnicas Big Data

    Geo-World: Conflict & Social Unrest June Update 2016


    Important setbacks of ISIS in its core terrain in Syria and Iraq took place during the month thanks to the efforts of the US led coalition and pro-regime forces in Syria and the Iraqi Security Forces in Iraq. ISIS maintains its potential for destabilising and keeping terror abroad. The Brexit decision opened the door to new uncertainties in Europe in the short term


    • Etiquetas de Geografía
    • Global



    Alvaro Ortiz BBVA Research - Responsable de Análisis con Big Data
    Tomasa Rodrigo BBVA Research - Economista Líder

    Documentos y archivos

    Datos (Excel)

    World protest and conflict monthly indices (xlsx)

    Inglés - 5 de julio de 2016

    Informe (PDF)

    geo world update June

    Inglés - 5 de julio de 2016

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