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    China’s shadow banking sector: Arbitrage, window-dressing and wealth management products

    Publicada el jueves, 26 de noviembre de 2015

    Documento número 15/30

    China’s shadow banking sector: Arbitrage, window-dressing and wealth management products


    We examine wealth management products (WMP) issued by Chinese commercial banks, which are an important part of China’s fast growing shadow banking sector. We document that the WMPs’ maturity dates cluster toward the end of a month and then decrease significantly at the beginning of the following month.


    • Etiquetas de Geografía
    • China


    • Etiquetas de Temática
    • Banca


    Jinghan Cai
    Alicia García-Herrero
    Le Xia BBVA Research - Economista Jefe

    Documentos y archivos

    Informe (PDF)

    WP 15-30_China WMPs

    Inglés - 26 de noviembre de 2015

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