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    An Empirical Assessment of Social Unrest Dynamics and State Response in Eurasian Countries

    Publicada el viernes, 19 de junio de 2015 | Actualizada el jueves, 19 de noviembre de 2015

    Documento número 15/20

    An Empirical Assessment of Social Unrest Dynamics and State Response in Eurasian Countries


    This paper shows an empirical assessment of Social Unrest Dynamics in the Eurasian countries. We use a Big Database of social events (GDELT) to build several real time indexes of different stages of social unrest escalation consistent with the Unrest Lifecycle Theory and together with alternative measures of the state response.




    Gonzalo De Cadenas Santiago
    Alicia García-Herrero
    Alvaro Ortiz BBVA Research - Responsable de Análisis con Big Data
    Tomasa Rodrigo BBVA Research - Economista Líder

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    Working paper 15.20 An Empirical Assessment of Social Unrest Dynamics and State Response

    Inglés - 19 de junio de 2015

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