
Regional Analysis Spain

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Asturias' GDP could increase by 2.3% in 2024 and 2.0% in 2025, which would allow for the creation of 13,700 new jobs in the region in the biennium.

This presentation, delivered on the 10th anniversary of the BBVA Pension Institute in Portugal, analyzes the economic forecasts for Portugal and Spain, and the challenge of long-term aging of their population, as one of the challenges facing public systems pensions in Europe.

Despite higher recent GDP growth, the productivity of the Spanish economy has been falling behind that of the EU, making convergence in per capita income difficult. The projections of the Ageing Report 2024 do not foresee any improvement in the…

In 2024, strength of employment and services exports, maintain dynamism in Madrid, the Mediterranean and the islands. In 2025, tourism will lose momentum. Higher European demand and the end of the drought will shift growth to regions with more …

GDP growth forecast for 2024 is raised to 2.5% thanks to the good performance of external demand, the increase in the labor force, and the execution of Recovery Plan funds. However, it will moderate to 2.1% in 2025, largely due to constraints i…

Social Security enrollment grew by 220,300 and unemployment fell by 58,700. Seasonally adjusted, it is estimated that the number of contributors increased by 60,000, but the number of unemployed hardly changed. The percentage of those affiliated to the General Regime with temporary contracts stabilized at 14.4% CVEC.

Since the end of 2019 through the first quarter of 2024, the Gross Value Added (GVA) of the services sector has increased by 6.3%, compared to 3.7% for the total economy. In addition, the number of hours worked increased by more than 2%, compared to 0.9% for all sectors.

In this edition of the QLMO, we analyze the labor market situation with data available up to the first quarter of 2024. We review the trends of the main indicators, examine the differences between the Labor Force Survey and administrative recor…

Evidence shows that permanent improvements in productivity lead to a gradual reduction in hours worked per employee. In contrast, reversing this order of causality hinders employment growth.

The GDP of the Valencian Community could increase by 2.1% in 2024 and 2.0% in 2025, which would allow the creation of 103,000 new jobs in the region in the biennium.

According to BBVA credit card data, the first months of the year have been characterized by a slowdown in the growth of tourist spending in Spain compared to the last months of 2023, weighed down by the decline in consumption by Spaniards and despite the rebound of foreign tourism.

Spain's positive growth differential with the EU is good news, but it can be exhausted and is not enough to reduce the gap between GDP per capita and productivity, which is the only engine capable of generating sustained growth.