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We summarize the recent development of the Chinese economy and highlight the unbalanced economic structure. Risks include the housing market, geopolitics, deflation and unbalanced economic structure. We also analyze the ongoing fiscal and monetary policy coordination to stimulate growth.

At the end of 2023 we find opposite results in the Real Estate market. Construction presents historical results, growth rates well above the average in different indicators. The housing market is contracting with figures as of November 2023. In both cases, we estimate that in 2024 both sectors will reverse the trends

Cities can adopt either sprawling or compact designs, and their growth trajectory is determined by land disposition and zoning regulations. This can impact livelihoods, health, and mobility patterns. In Colombia, capital cities tend to exhibit …

The housing sector is in a deceleration phase: low sales, high cancellations, and increased finished inventories. Certainty about VIS subsidies, reduced interest rates, and improved household financial balances will aid recovery, expected to be…

Presenting the construction supply and demand structure with a special section on urban design. In the supply section: GDP, employment, firms, and sector composition. In the demand section: logistics, housing, household composition, demographic…

At the end of 2022, the outlook for the residential sector was bleak. It was assumed that house sales and house prices would contract in 2023. Sales fell, but prices rose.. By 2024, the sector is expected to go from strength to strength and to consolidate a change in trend as 2025 approaches.

Labor shortage is one of the factors limiting housing production. The available information indicates that workers employed in construction age faster than average and have less education. Attracting talent is essential to ensure generational replacement.

Several indicators show that construction is facing a labor shortage problem. Moreover, the average age of workers has increased significantly in recent years and their level of training is relatively low. The sector must react in order to face…

The residential market is in a process of adjusting sales due to rising interest rates and the slowdown in neighboring economies, yet the level of sales remains relatively high. Nevertheless, housing prices continue to grow as a result of the s…

Spanish households have weathered the current cycle of rising interest rates considerably better than on previous occasions due to the strength of the labor market and the improvement in nominal gross income, despite the spike in inflation.

This document aims to show the main causes behind the lower growth of housing prices in Spain, and most of its autonomous communities, compared to what has been observed in other developed economies that have faced the same macroeconomic scenario.

Construction grows 10.5% in the second trimester of 2023, the impulse comes from Civil construction. Mortgage credit shows a contraction of 4.1% on number of mortgages and 8.6% on credit amount. The potential demand for affordable housings amounts to 3.2 million houses.