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After 6 months in office, the government has made significant progress in improving the fiscal balance, which in turn resulted in a reduction of monetary issuance and a deceleration of inflation. The challenge now is to consolidate the fiscal surplus and dismantle FX-market restrictions to foster sustainable growth.

Output will grow 2,9% this year (previous forecast: 2,7%), supported by a new pension funds withdrawal. Sectors affected by weather anomalies in 2023 will recover and non-primary sectors too thanks to increased private spending. In 2025, once the impact of pension funds withdrawals is exhausted, growth would reach 2,7%.

The cost of capital is vital for renewable energy projects due to high investment needs, policy uncertainty, and early-stage risks. De-risking strategies can lower costs, particularly in developing economies. However, for emerging cleantech, th…

Colombia's economic growth will begin to accelerate gradually during the second half of the year. Domestic demand is expected to consolidate by 2025. Growth is projected at 1.8% in 2024 and 2.8% in 2025. Inflation will continue to decrease, ena…

Batteries will be pivotal in steering the global energy system towards a net zero emissions scenario. Meeting targets will hinge on whether the world can scale up batteries fast enough.

FDI in Energy between 2006 to 2023, presented peak levels between 2013 to 2018, with 55.3% of investment in this period which coincide to regulatory changes that allowed private participation. The same has plummeted between 2019 and 2023, being 50.1% lower if compared against the period from 2013 to 2017.

Commodity prices are front and center in global economic discussions. The last two months have seen the cost of oil rise by around 10%, alongside significant volatility. This has a lot to do with the short-term chaos.

The production of liquid hydrocarbons of Pemex Exploration and Production (PEP) in the first quarter of 2024 vs. the previous quarter showed a decrement of 36 thousand barrels a day mainly due to a lower production of superlight crude oil plus …

Retail electricity prices are adjusted in response to fluctuations in wholesale markets, shaped by the regulatory policies of each country and, where relevant, consumer willingness to pay a premium to mitigate price volatility.

By the end of 2023, the Mexican economy grew at an annual rate of 3.2%, with an extraordinary growth of 15.6% in construction and differentiated effects at the regional level. The dynamism of services underpins growth in 2023; Wholesale and Ret…

Lower gas prices, reduced demand and an increased use of renewable energies are the key factors driving a reduction in wholesale electricity prices across Europe. Futures contracts are pointing towards a stabilization of prices in the medium term.

Cities can adopt either sprawling or compact designs, and their growth trajectory is determined by land disposition and zoning regulations. This can impact livelihoods, health, and mobility patterns. In Colombia, capital cities tend to exhibit a more concentrated design. Other municipalities tend to be more widespread.