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July 29, 2024
Spain | Construction is facing a productivity problem
Since 2013, labor productivity in the construction sector, measured as GVA per hour worked in real terms, has fallen by more than 20%. In comparison, the growth in the same indicator for all sectors is 5%.
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February 26, 2024
Global | Large Language Models, with data from all and... for all
Large Language Models have revolutionized the Artificial Intelligence (AI) landscape since they were first developed in 2017 when a group of Google researchers wrote their now famous "Attention is all you need".
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July 17, 2023
Mexico | Employment slows down in June, but remains strong
In June, formal employment slowdown, reaching one of its lowest levels since 1998. Despite this, in cumulative figures from January to June, it represented a growth of 2.4%, a 0.2pp increase compared to the previous year, indicating strength in the labor market.
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June 5, 2023
Spain | The labor market reform in perspective
The labor market reform approved at the end of 2021 has had clear effects. Increased restrictions on the use of temporary contracts and greater flexibility in the use of permanent contracts, especially those for permanent seasonal employees, have reduced temporary employment in the private sector.
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November 7, 2022
Europe | Pension schemes in the current demographic scenario: Spain and the EU
The public pension system is a basic pillar of the welfare state in Europe. They are viable and sustainable as long as they adapt to the continuous economic, social, and demographic changes that societies experience. The challenge is to find the appropriate balance in the face of continuous changes in the system.
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