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    BBVA Research Publications

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    April 30, 2024

    Spain | The welfare effects of degrowth as a decarbonization strategy

    This Working Paper contributes to the existing literature by examining the welfare implications of degrowth. We use an environmental Dynamic General Equilibrium (eDGE) model, calibrated to replicate the most relevant macroeconomic and environmental features of Spain.

    January 8, 2024

    Spain | The transition to net zero emissions: economic and well-being effects

    This Working Paper proposes a dynamic equilibrium model to study the transition to a decarbonized economy, the interaction between technology and fiscal policy, and its macroeconomic and well-being effects.

    November 27, 2023

    Spain | Natural resources, key to sustainability and well-being

    The discussion about the role of natural resources in economic activity is not new, although environmental pressures and the loss of biodiversity have increased its interest.

    October 3, 2023

    Global | Transition to decarbonization — A challenge and an opportunity

    For a successful transition to a decarbonized economy, public policies must be aligned so that the private sector can multiply its positive impact through the incentive of economic profitability.

    April 5, 2023

    Global | Social Welfare and the Social Cost of Carbon

    The average social welfare in OECD countries would have decreased by 1.9% during the past decade if the damages caused by CO2 emissions had been internalized. Nevertheless, a net intertemporal gain could have been achieved by preventing the most severe future outcomes of global warming, which entail a substantial cost.

    September 19, 2022

    Europe | Price cap on power

    European Commission proposals to mitigate the impact of electricity price inflation on households disposable income and business costs must consider how they affect security of supply and decarbonization.

    October 14, 2019

    Financial Health: Prevention Is Better than Cure

    Financial Education Day was celebrated in Spain on Monday, October 7. We have also recently started to notice the effects of the beginning of autumn on health.