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Despite the slowdown, permanent formal employment has shown constant gains. In June, formal employment had a year-on-year growth of 2.0%, 0.1 percentage points below our forecast, confirming the expected deceleration trend.

In February, 176 thousand jobs were created (3.4% YoY), marking the second-highest job creation since 1998. Although this is a significant growth, it aligns with the expected slowdown.

The minimum wage policy has been insufficient to attack the structural problems of the labor market. It has eclipsed the need to discuss more structural aspects of the economy that allow for a more robust labor market and a horizon for creating…

En el presente trabajo se completa la construcción de una base de datos de renta y empleo regional que cubre el período 1955-2014. En él se construyen, en particular, series homogéneas de ocupados, puestos de trabajo y ocupados asalariados, rem…