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As of 1Q24, Mexican exports totaled 144 billion dollars and imports totaled 146 billion dollars. 82.7% of Mexican´s exports went to the US and manufacturing exports totaled 127.1 billion dollars, 88.5% of the total. FDI as of 1Q24 amounted 20.3 billion dollars, 13.6% lower than 1Q23.

China's exports and imports are experiencing some structural change. The forced Chinese version of imports substitution industrialization indicates value chain upgrading and technology self-sufficiency.

BBVA Research and the Mexican Association of Private Industrial Parks (AMPIP) conducted a survey to quantify and anticipate the effects of nearshoring in Mexico. Results assert the interest of companies to operate in Mexico and anticipate more …

Türkiye is integrated along the GVCs with strong backward and forward linkages, while searching for new opportunities in international trade. We devise an export diversification strategy to detect products and sectors that could be attained wit…

The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) has increased the relevance of foreign trade in the Mexican economy, and led to a deep structural change of the Mexican economy.

Imports have been less affected by COVID-19 than expected. In the first half of the year, the adjustment shifted to goods produced within the country and, to a lesser extent, on purchases from the rest of the world. Similarly, during the recovery process, the momentum of imports is proving to be more moderate.

In November, real good exports and imports behaved slightly better than pointed by central forecasts. Nevertheless, the accumulated deficit in the trade balance grew despite the improvement in the energy balance.

Tanto las exportaciones reales de bienes como las importaciones se comportaron en octubre algo peor que lo esperado. Sin embargo, el déficit acumulado en la balanza comercial disminuyó debido, principalmente, a la reducción de la factura energé…

Both real exports and imports of goods recovered in September, closing the third quarter in positive territory. The accumulated trade balance deficit slightly increased again, despite the reduction of the energy bill

China and Greece face the worsening of their growth expectations. Given the low importance of trade flows with both countries, the effect of these shocks on the spanish economy will be limited. If these shocks become a significant downturn in g…

We take advantage of a novel dataset that incorporates both the technological content of each product as well as its quality to unveil some new features of Brazil-China’s trade flows and to challenge the view that the emergence of China would imply the deindustrialization of Brazilian exports.