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The BBVA Forum is a quarterly event aimed at the bank's clients. In each edition, we present a summary of our global and national economic outlook as a contribution to their short- and medium-term financial decisions.

This presentation addresses the EU-Latam relationship and its structural challenges, as well as focusing on the analysis of the levers for productivity growth and how both regions can better address the challenges ahead by shoring up their relations on multiple fronts, building on many strengths.

In the global scenario, restrictive monetary policy will contribute to the gradual slowdown. The Colombian economy navigates the waters of an orderly deceleration in the coming quarters and with the capacity to continue growing 1.2% in 2023 and…

In the last two decades China has substantially increased its importance both in the world trade of goods, tripling its weight in world exports and imports, and in the trade of services and capital. This is reflected in substantial changes in C…

The biggest economic success story of the last century is that of the so-called Asian tigers: Taiwan, South Korea, Singapore and Hong Kong. These countries managed to become advanced economies in a short period of time.

The potential effects of the war between Russia and Ukraine on Spain's autonomous communities are not uniform — the impact could be worse on the northern regions and less severe on the Levante coast and the islands.

In the last few months, a depression appears to have arrived that has poured cold water on economic forecasts — affecting in particular the autonomous communities of the North. This correction, however, does not stop us from repeating once again that in both 2021 and 2022, growth is expected to reach historical highs.

The COVID-19 crisis has severely disrupted value chains. Not only during the onset, but also in recent months. In light of this, BBVA Research has significantly revised growth forecasts downward.

The best reasons to assume that the recovery in Spain will continue over the next few months are the high vaccination rate and the wealth accumulated by certain households during the crisis. Both factors will enable household expenditure to con…

These were the words of Christine Lagarde, when she began to field the round of questions at last Thursday's press conference after the European Central Bank's (ECB) monetary policy meeting — giving the impression that this had been the main to…

U.S. fiscal plans are expected to boost demand in global markets, thus positively impacting global GDP. The “direct” impact on the Spanish economy is expected to be small, given Spain’s low trade and financial exposure to the U.S., but the “indirect” impact could turn out to be higher.

On December 30, the EU and China reached an agreement to expand mutual investment opportunities, pending approval by the European Parliament in the second half of 2021.