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Asturias' GDP could increase by 2.3% in 2024 and 2.0% in 2025, which would allow for the creation of 13,700 new jobs in the region in the biennium.

This study demonstrates how expenditures between regions can be used to estimate domestic tourism, and gain further insights into its dynamics. We discuss additional use cases of the methodology, and offer suggestions on how it can be specialized for asking different types of questions.

GDP growth forecast for 2024 is raised to 2.5% thanks to the good performance of external demand, the increase in the labor force, and the execution of Recovery Plan funds. However, it will moderate to 2.1% in 2025, largely due to constraints i…

According to BBVA credit card data, the first months of the year have been characterized by a slowdown in the growth of tourist spending in Spain compared to the last months of 2023, weighed down by the decline in consumption by Spaniards and d…

Spain's positive growth differential with the EU is good news, but it can be exhausted and is not enough to reduce the gap between GDP per capita and productivity, which is the only engine capable of generating sustained growth.

The GDP of the Canary Islands will increase to 2.6% in 2024 and 1.6% in 2025, which will allow it to create 49,000 new people in the community in those two years.

The GDP of the Balearic Islands could increase by 2.5% in 2024 and 1.7% in 2025, which would allow the creation of 28,000 new jobs in the region in the biennium

According to BBVA card and POS data, during Easter 2024, total tourist spending fell 2.2% year-on-year compared to the same holiday period last year.

The last months of the year have been characterized by an improvement in tourist spending in Spain compared to the summer, driven by the good behavior of consumption by both Spaniards and foreigners. This is what is inferred from BBVA credit ca…

Cantabria's economy will grow by 2.0% in 2023, and will accelerate to 2.5% in 2024. This will allow a return to the pre-pandemic GDP level this year.

According to BBVA card spending data, the summer months have been characterized by a slight improvement in tourist spending compared to the beginning of the year, driven by the good behavior of consumption by Spaniards and despite the sluggishness of tourism by of foreigners.

Asturias' GDP could grow by 2.1% and in 2023 recover the pre-pandemic level. By 2024, the increase in activity will accelerate to 2.5%, and during that year it is expected to be able to recover GDP per capita. If these forecasts are met, Asturias would create more than 16,000 new jobs by 2024.