Stress Test
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August 14, 2023
Europe | European banking holds its ground
At the end of July, the European Banking Authority (EBA) published the results of its stress test on European banks. The aim of these tests is to assess the resilience of the institutions in the event of a severe recession scenario.
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December 20, 2022
Mexico | The Financial System Is Well Positioned to Face an Uncertain Environment
According to the Financial Stability Report (Banxico) and the Analysis on the Stability of the Mexican Financial System (IMF), the most relevant risk to the Mexcian financial system is that of additional and sustained tightening of financial conditions in a context of high inflation and lower prospects for economic growth.
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February 21, 2022
Europe | Forecasts, banks and climate stress tests
In 2022, the stress test to which the ECB periodically submits European banks, is organized around different climate risk scenarios. This new exercise will be a challenge and a learning process for both the supervisor and the supervisee.
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