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January 10, 2019
Mexico | Actions to boost the financial sector point in the right direction
The objectives of the proposals are: a) to deepen both the banking sector and the stock market, b) to have more efficient payment metods for the population and, c) in general, to make more efficient the task of capturing and promoting savings, as well as channeling it to productive investment.
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December 11, 2017
U.S. | Are Equity Prices Overvalued?
The stock market is not significantly overpriced after controlling the effect of imminent corporate tax cuts. No visible credit bubble for domestic debt. The deleveraging of households and financial institutions is effective
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November 15, 2011
Brazil on the global finance map: the development of the Brazilian capital market
The expansion of the Brazilian capital markets over recent years has been impressive. Stock and private bond markets reached 93% of GDP in 2010 in comparison to 33% in 2002.
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