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    Spanish National Budget

    BBVA Research Publications

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    October 18, 2022

    Spain | Social Security contributions, wages of public sector employees and income pact

    The national budget includes the planned revaluation of pensions in line with the CPI and the agreed increase in the wages of public sector employees. The implications of these two measures go beyond their impact on public sector expenditure, as they may also affect the income pact.

    October 17, 2022

    Spain | The pension deficit within the national budget

    The announcement of Spain’s government budget for 2023 has once again brought the subject of pensions back into the limelight, as this particular budget item has seen the largest increase and will require a record level of transfers from the State to finance the deficit.

    May 20, 2019

    The deficit falls but fails to meet the challenges ahead

    The public deficit in Spain was reduced by half a percentage point of GDP to 2.5% in 2018, above the drop predicted by BBVA Research, confirming the repeated failure to meet its stability target (-2.2% of GDP).

    April 10, 2017

    Notes on the 2017 State budget

    The State budget includes conservative macroeconomic forecasts. In scenarios with greater growth and inflation than forecast, expenditure as a percentage of GDP could fall by more than expected. As always, the uncertainty is around tax revenues.