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The latest Observatory published by BBVA Research, FEDEA and the Sagardoy Foundation shows a labor market in transition in Spain. Job creation continues, but at a significantly slower pace than in the first half of the year.

The Spanish economy presents a strange case in which growth and stagnation coexist. This is due to the divergence in the trends shown by services on the one hand, and industry, agriculture and residential construction on the other.

As we discussed in our latest Quarterly Labour Market Observatory, conducted jointly with Fedea and Sagardoy Abogados, job creation has continued to grow in Spain over the last few months, but is now showing signs of slowing.

Seasonality worked against Social Security affiliation (-185,400) and unemployment (24,800) in August. Excluding its impact, the number of affiliates increased by 20,000, 3,500 more than in July, and the number of unemployed decreased by 7,000 …

Social Security affiliation rose strongly in March (206,400 persons), temporary employment fell (to 53.2%) and so did unemployment (-48,800 persons). After adjusting for seasonality, in 1Q23, Social Security affiliation grew (1.0% t/t SWDA), wh…

The loss of purchasing power, together with the growth of the financial burden and volatility in the markets, may lead to a prolonged period of low growth instead of a moderate, one-off recession.

Social Security affiliation rose strongly in February (88,900) and unemployment practically stagnated (2,600). After adjusting for seasonality, it is estimated that both the number of Social Security affiliation (83,000) and temporary employment rate grew (to 55.5%), while unemployment fell (-29,000).

The increase in temporary employment boosted Social Security enrollment (213,600 people) last month, while unemployment fell (-99,500 people). Seasonally adjusted, this pattern was maintained. Employment grew (70,000 people) and the temporary e…

Affiliation increased last month (184,600 people) -driven by permanent employment- and unemployment fell (-86,300 people). Seasonally adjusted, this pattern was maintained. Employment grew (90,000) and the temporary employment ratio fell (to 58…

Enrollment increased in March (140,200 persons), temporary employment fell (to 69.3%) and unemployment barely change (-2,900 persons). Seasonally adjusted, this pattern was confirmed. In 1Q22, Social Security affiliation (1.2% t/t CVEC) and hir…

Social Security affiliaton increased last month (67,100 jobs) while temporary hiring and unemployment fell (to 78.1% and -17,200 unemployed), in line with expectations. Seasonally adjusted, this performance was maintained: 88,000 more jobs, 74,000 fewer unemployed and a temporary employment ratio drop to 82%

Negative seasonality reduced Social Security affiliation (-197,800) and the temporary employment ratio (to 85.7%), while increased unemployment (17,200), in line with expectations. However, after adjusting for seasonality, employment grew by 67,000, temporary hardly decreased and unemployment fell by 64,000.