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February 16, 2024
Colombia | Micro and SMEs, with the potential to add more
There are 1.7 million formal companies in the country. Micro and SMEs represent 99.5% of formal companies, generate 79% of the country's employment, and contribute close to 40% of the annual GDP.
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October 2, 2020
Mexico | Monthly Report on Banking and the Financial System. September 2020
As the economic recession takes its toll on employment, banking credit granted to the private sector and total deposits slowed down from April's highs. However, the Mexican banking system has a resilient capitalization profile to withstand the hardship of the current scenario as stressed by the Financial Stability Council.
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October 1, 2020
Mexico Real Estate Outlook. Second half 2020
We are currently in the midst of the worst economic crisis that Mexico has experienced in modern times. This has resulted in the sharpest declines in history and deeper impacts than those seen in 1995. Construction is not exempt, and the economic depression that the sector has been experiencing since 2018 has worsened.
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January 13, 2020
Scaling without mass: a model to foster SMEs' growth and productivity
The transformation toward the new digital economy, characterized by mobile Internet access and the use of the cloud, has resulted in lower investment in ICT capital goods and increased access to this technology through pay-to-use services.
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November 12, 2018
SMEs and market financing: Myth or reality?
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) form a fundamental part of the business fabric, in Spain and throughout the EU. They account for more than 90% of the total number of businesses in the EU, provide 70% of its jobs and contribute nearly 50% of its added value. For this reason any setback suffered can end up having consequences for economic growth and employment.
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July 26, 2016
¿Qué hacer para ganar tamaño?
La caída de la demanda interna en España durante la crisis ha empujado a muchas empresas a buscar nuevos mercados. A pesar del éxito relativo que ha sido el crecimiento de las exportaciones españolas, la reducida dimensión de la empresa nacional representa una de las barreras clave que impide un mayor nivel de internacionalización.
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June 9, 2016
Determinantes de los tipos de interés de las carteras de crédito en la Eurozona
La crisis financiera internacional se ha reflejado en un aumento de los tipos de interés del nuevo crédito en todas las carteras, en particular en los países periféricos y en los préstamos a pymes.
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