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    October 21, 2024

    Spain | The public sector after the COVID crisis

    Spain faces a fiscal adjustment of around 2.5 percentage points of GDP over the next few years. Its debt and public deficit levels make it vulnerable and must be improved through a more efficient set of public policies.

    September 23, 2024

    Spain | Inflation falls, though prices still not

    Inflation is falling and over the coming months various factors are expected to place it around, or below, 2%. Nonetheless, pressure from higher labor costs and geopolitical uncertainty could make for a bumpy ride.

    June 26, 2024

    Spain | The challenge of reducing inflation in the services sector

    The recent increase in inflation, not seen in decades, has shown our aversion to the constant escalation of prices. Although inflation has already fallen, it is expected to stay above 3%, and around 2.5% in 2025, affected by the performance of the cost of services.