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    March 13, 2023

    Mexico | Strong formal job creation in February, but onset to show signs of moderation...

    In February, 176 thousand jobs were created (3.4% YoY), marking the second-highest job creation since 1998. Although this is a significant growth, it aligns with the expected slowdown.

    October 8, 2020

    Mexico | Increase in wages and competition policies will bring greater growth

    Wages in Mexico are low compared to other countries with a similar income level. Most worryingly, wages have fallen, in real terms, over the last 25 years in all income deciles.

    January 27, 2020

    Mexico | Formal employment slowed-down during 2019, a moderate recovery is expected

    In December 2019, the IMSS registered a total of 20.4 million workers. A total of 342 thousand new formal jobs were created in 2019, an average growth of 2.3% in the year. The formal payroll maintained average growth above 5% during the year.

    December 20, 2018

    Mexico | Minimum wage increase:non-inflationary measure that improves the purchasing power

    Twenty-five years after the 1994 crisis, the minimum wage will finally regain its real level and even exceed it.