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    February 9, 2024

    Colombia | BanRep lowers rates through the staris, market rates take the lift

    When the central bank initiates a rate reduction cycle, all eyes are focused on commercial banks and how market rates adjust. So far, market rates have fallen significantly more than those of the BanRep.

    June 13, 2022

    Europe | The ECB is on a journey

    At last week's ECB meeting Christine Lagarde announced that the central bank has started out on a "journey" toward the normalization of monetary policy through a series of measures that it will take gradually over the next few months.

    November 30, 2020

    Global | Sovereign risk in quarantine

    Public debt levels have skyrocketed globally due to the increase in fiscal expenditure needed for public measures to fight the economic damage caused by the pandemic, and by the effects of the slump in economic activity.

    May 18, 2020

    Spain | Deficit and an Exit Strategy

    Spanish public finances are not in the best position to face this crisis. Since 2015, policies to reduce taxes and increase expenditure have impaired the fiscal structural balance.

    September 23, 2019

    Will sovereign risk premiums continue to fall?

    In recent months we have witnessed a notable compression in sovereign CDS at the global level, in an economic scenario that is full of uncertainty and in which public debt is at an all-time high.

    June 3, 2019

    Portugal: orthodoxy, certainty and reward

    A couple of years ago, the risk premium paid by the Portuguese 10-year government bond against its German counterpart was hovering between 350 and 400 basis points (bp). Meanwhile, the Spanish 10-year bond was paying between 100 and 125 bp.