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Based on the endogenous growth model of Lucas (1988 and 1990), in this Working Paper we propose a method to measure the total contribution of human capital to the variance of GDP per capita in a large sample of countries from 1960 to 2015.

A few months ago, the OECD warned that the recent pension reform was unlikely to prove sufficient to fully balance the system. Rather, it said it would increase expenditure more than income, thereby requiring the government to take further steps.

Wage and disposable income inequality in Spain illustrates the importance of avoiding its causes by bringing Spain's unemployment rate down and converging it to EU levels, thereby enjoying the double dividend of full employment.

In 2022, poverty was 36.6% of the population, compared to 39.7% in 2021. With this, 1.3 million people were lifted out of poverty in Colombia between 2021 and 2022. Economic growth was the main factor that reduced poverty, an effect that was pa…

We have recently learned of a couple of new developments about the Spanish public pension system. The first is the revaluation of pensions for 2024, which will be close to 4%. The second is the long-term projections of public pension expenditur…

The Mexican economy has shown better performance than expected, partly explained by the labor market's strength. According to the National Survey of Household Income and Expenditure (ENIGH), job creation and wage improvements have been more relevant for household income than government transfers.

The main developments this year are the 8.5% revaluation of pensions in accordance with average monthly inflation from November 2021 to 2022 and the 15% increase in non-contributory pensions.

Over the last few months, an attempt has been made to build a simple but straightforward narrative, according to which the banking sector must make an additional fiscal effort due to the increase in its hypothetical extraordinary profits, with …

In 2022, the support measures put in place by the government in a bid to combat rising energy prices are expected to reach 16 billion euros, or around 1.3% of GDP. Despite this, the imbalance in the public accounts is following a similar path t…

This Working Paper analyzes the settlement of the financing system of the autonomous communities under the common regime for 2020, which has recently been made public by the Ministry of Finance.

In the first half, remittances to Chiapas grew more than 70% and surpasses Puebla and Veracruz. In Michoacán, remittances (4,056 million dollars) represented 105.4% of the total amount of state income (3,849 million dollars) in 2020.

Unlike the 2011 and 2013 reforms, the 2021 measures increase the projected deficit of the pension system and pass it on to the State, increase contributions, making job creation more expensive, and reduce intergenerational equity, in exchange for a greater budgetary burden on the younger generations.