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    Retail trade

    BBVA Research Publications

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    November 30, 2015

    Spain | Retail sales got off to a positive start in 4Q15

    After seasonal adjustments, retail sales at constant prices grew in October in line with forecasts. Food, personal equipment and household equipment are responsible for turnover's increase

    September 29, 2015

    Spain | Service stations support retail trade in august

    After seasonal adjustments, retail sales at constant prices remained stable in august. The rise in the turnover for service stations offset the slugginesh of the other groups.

    August 28, 2015

    Spain | Retail sales in the third quarter got off to a good start

    After seasonal adjustments, retail sales rebounded in July. All groups of products contributed positively to the rise in turnover.

    July 29, 2015

    Spain | Retail sales increased in 2T15, despite of the disappointment in June

    After seasonal adjustments, retail sales decreased more than expected. Quarterly growth accelerated four tenths to 0,9%, although turnover went from more to less during 2T15.