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China’s 2024 May economic activity indicators continue to display an unbalanced economic structure with strong supply and weak demand, although retail sales mildly picked up.

China’s Q2 2023 GDP growth moderated to 6.3% y/y, suggesting the previous strong recovery momentum came to a halt in Q2 amid the fading effect of reopening.

China’s economic outlook of this year has been largely changed from its previous policy-led softlanding story by the recent flare-ups of Omicron and particularly Shanghai’s lockdown. However, this adverse spillover effect has not yet been fully…

JOLTS Data Continue to Show Improvement in Unemployed Per Job Opening . Retail Sales Showing Strength as the Holiday Season Approaches

Retail sales rose 0.2% MoM in August with July revised upward to 0.7% MoM. Purchases of goods rose in 10 out of 13 categories showing broad-based strength. Core retail sales were up for the sixth consecutive month, rising 0.3% MoM.

Retail Sales Data Catching up to More Positive Personal Spending Reports. Manufacturing Sector Desperately Looking to Recover from a Weak 1Q15

The unemployment rate was 5.2% (4.9% in seasonally adjusted terms) of the EAP, meanwhile, the labour force stood at 58.2% in August, slightly below the figure registered a year ago

Significant increase in the current account deficit in Peru, that reached 7.3% of GDP in 2Q14. Particularly important was the moderation in mining exports, a situation that we expect to reversed in the coming months as big mining projects reach…

Also in Mexico, the unemployment rate in July surprised to the upside linked to the slow performance of economy. Today we will be watching retail sales where we expect a slight decrease in monthly terms in line with weak ANTAD sales.