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    BBVA Research Publications

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    March 15, 2025

    Spain | The Power Grid, the Overlooked Cornerstone of the Energy Transition

    Spain's electricity faces significant challenges. While recent efforts have focused on expanding wind and solar capacity, effective grid integration is equally crucial for a successful energy transition.

    March 18, 2021

    Colombia | Colombian electricity sector: challenges and opportunities

    We conducted a diagnosis of the Colombian electricity sector, identifying the challenges and opportunities that result, thanks to the country's potential and the international context, to promote an energy transition based on Non-Conventional Renewable Energy Sources and mitigate some of the sector's risks.

    May 25, 2020

    Global | False Dichotomies: COVID-19 and Climate Change

    There will continue to be support for a low-carbon economy, but considering the short-term impact so that it does not slow down post-crisis recovery.