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We summarize the recent development of the Chinese economy and highlight the unbalanced economic structure. Risks include the housing market, geopolitics, deflation and unbalanced economic structure. We also analyze the ongoing fiscal and monetary policy coordination to stimulate growth.

The fast economic recovery over the next few years will benefit commercial real estate greatly, but the structural challenges to some of its segments will remain and possibly intensify

Lower net investment in real estate and high depreciation rates of intangibles account for most of the slowdown in net business investment over the last 30 years.

Demographics, gains in employment and income, improvement in lending conditions and ongoing low interest rates will continue supporting demand, leading to continued price appreciation

Existing home sales fell to 5.08M from 5.47M in January, but are still 2.2% higher YoY. While transitory factors contributed, a slowdown in the trend of home sales is also evident. We expect home sales to recover and grow around 3.5% YoY in 2016