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Spain must continue to offer an attractive society to ensure migratory flows that will transform the demographic structure. Immigration, like productivity growth, helps to spread the increase in pension spending due to the retirement of baby boomers over more decades, though it does not eliminate it.

The 2021-2023 pension reform has resulted in a system that will be more generous, but less contributory and self-sufficient, as social security contributions are not able to finance the higher expenditure on pensions.

The main developments this year are the 8.5% revaluation of pensions in accordance with average monthly inflation from November 2021 to 2022 and the 15% increase in non-contributory pensions.

Para entender el colapso de la bolsa china conviene recordar los factores que previamente impulsaron las cotizaciones.

Low contribution levels to pension schemes in Latin America are an enormous obstacle limiting the implementation of a broad-based social security system. Contribution rates measured as a ratio of contributors to the total labour force stand at …