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February 24, 2025
Spain | More renewables to continue lowering costs
The increased penetration of renewable energies in Spain, especially solar and wind, has reduced wholesale electricity prices by 20% in the last three years and could cut them by a further 20% by 2030 if the ambitious PNIEC targets are met.
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February 9, 2025
Colombia | Inflation remained at 5.2% for the third consecutive month
Monthly inflation in January was 0.94%, exceeding analysts' expectations (0.82% projected in the Central Bank of Colombia’s survey). As a result, the annual variation remained stable for the third consecutive month at approximately 5.22%.
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December 9, 2024
Spain | The impact on the economy of the increase in US trade tariffs
It may well be negative in the short run, although it should be cushioned by the relatively low direct exposure of the Spanish economy to trade with the US. In the medium term, the outcome will be determined by the goals set by the new US President and the economic policy responses, both in the eurozone and in Spain.
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December 7, 2024
Colombia | November inflation stood at 5.2%, in line with expectations
In November, monthly inflation was 0.27%, with an annual rate of 5.20%, consistent with our expectations and closely aligned with market analysts’ projections, which, according to the Central Bank of Colombia's survey, anticipated a monthly variation of 0.21%. This result is 21 basis points below the previous month's figure
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August 9, 2024
Colombia | In July, annual inflation resumed its downward trend, standing at 6.9%
In July, monthly inflation was 0.20% and annual inflation was 6.86%, close to market analysts' expectations, according to Banco de la República's survey (0.28%) and our forecast (0.24%). With this, the result is 32 bps below the previous month's figure.
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July 9, 2024
Colombia | Annual inflation remains stable for the second month in a row in June, at 7.2%
In June, monthly inflation was 0.32%, and annual inflation was 7.18%, slightly higher than the previous month's figure. The result was close to the expectations of market analysts who, according to Banco de la República's survey, expected a monthly variation of 0.28%.
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