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    October 4, 2021

    China | Unmask the veil of today’s China

    We analyze and explain China's recent main policy initiatives and the possible misunderstandings among global investors. We also evaluate their implications on the growth outlook.

    October 7, 2019

    The US-China Trade War: The New Normal

    The ever-escalating trade war between the U.S. and China has become a "new normal" in the international trade scene. Since January 2018, the U.S. average import tariffs on Chinese goods have risen from 3 to 23 percent. Meanwhile, China's retaliatory import tariffs on U.S. goods rose from 7 to 24 percent.

    July 22, 2019

    Brazil Economic Outlook. Third quarter 2019

    Brazil: recovery prospects remain in place, despite weaker growth at the beginning of 2019

    September 19, 2016

    The self-confidence effect on financial acumen

    The formation of a new government in Spain and the current composition of Congress, where no party has a clear majority, has left Spaniards wanting the political parties to reach a consensus on the important issues of the day.

    September 12, 2016

    Brasil: hora de centrarse en la economía

    Hace pocos días el Senado brasileño aprobó el cese definitivo de Dilma Rousseff, dejando oficialmente el gobierno del país en manos del exvicepresidente Michel Temer, que venía ejerciendo esa función interinamente desde abril.