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The BBVA Research Big Data Consumption Indicator reported an increase of 2.7% MaM in May, with real figures adjusted for seasonality; by components, the largest increase was recorded in the services segment, with a variation of 4.0%, while spending on goods grew 2.4%, after the contraction registered the previous month.

The BBVA Research Big Data Consumption Indicator (BDCI) reported a (-)3.8% MaM drop in July, with real seasonally adjusted figures

The Big Data Consumption and Investment indices showed YoY falls in April, indicating a continuation of the deterioration seen in the first quarter of the year.

Industrial Production (IP) grew by 8.6% yoy in calendar adjusted terms, surprising expectations on the upside in December (7% BBVA Research vs. 6.6% market median). Thus, IP growth accelerated to 5.8% yoy in 4Q19 after its yearly contraction of…