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    pension systems

    BBVA Research Publications

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    April 15, 2024

    Mexico | Financial Regulation. March 2024

    We present a summary and analysis of the most relevant developments and publications in Mexico's financial regulatory landscape.

    July 21, 2011

    Public Pension Systems and the Fiscal Crisis in the Euro Zone. Lessons for Latin America

    This paper analyzes the circumstances that led to the reforms of the pension systems in Europe and the measures adopted, with a view to extracting some lessons that may be of use for Latin American countries.

    March 30, 2011

    The impact of Spanish pension reform on expenditure: A quick estimate

    In this paper we present a preliminary estimate of the impact of the recent agreement between the Spanish government and the social partners to reform the public contributive pension system.

    March 17, 2011

    The unavoidable role of private pensions in retirement income systems

    This work describes the growing need that governments face to reform their pension systems into more !inancially sustainable structures, especially in light of the recent !inancial crisis and the rapidly ageing population.

    September 10, 2010

    Reasons to justify fees on assets in the Peruvian private pension sector

    This paper analyzes the fees collection system in the Peruvian pension system and evaluates switching from fees on flow to fees on assets, which has several advantages.

    May 13, 2010

    Creating incentives for voluntary contributions to pension funds by independent workers: an informal evaluation based on the case of Chile

    This study aims to establish the statistical probability that workers who are not contributing to pension funds might do so, provided with the right incentives to.

    June 1, 2009

    Projecting Pension Expenditures in Spain: On Uncertainty,Communication and Transparency

    In this paper we suggest a set of indicators about the future performance of the Spanish public pension system

    June 18, 2008

    Moving from Pay as You Go to Privately Managed Individual Pension Accounts: What have we learned after 25 years of the Chilean Pension Reform?

    This paper presents a brief history of pension reform in Chile, and the reasons behind the introduction of individual privately-managed accounts in 1981, as well as the adjustments to the system introduced in 2006-07.