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The Big Data Consumer Index grew for the fifth consecutive month in May, in an environment of lower inflation and interest rates, while the Big Data Investment Index contracted.

In March, the Big Data Consumption and Investment Indicators anticipate that domestic demand will have recovered in the first quarter of the year.

In February, the Big Data Consumption and Investment Indicators suggest that domestic demand has been showing a better performance in the first months of the year 2024. In the case of the Total Investment indicator, there was a significant acce…

In December, the Big Data Consumption index registered its first expansion (+2,6% YoY), something that had not occurred since February. During the same period, the Investment Big Data Index showed an increase for the third consecutive month (+4…

In November, the Big Data Consumption index registered a new YoY contraction, although lower than in previous months. In the same period, the Big Data Investment index grew YoY for the second consecutive month.

The Big Data consumption index registered a YoY contraction in October, for the eighth time in a row. In the same period, the Big Data investment index registered YoY growth following two months of contraction.

The Big Data consumption index had a new YoY contraction, the seventh consecutive,in September. In the same period, the Big Data investment index continued its downward trend.

The Big Data consumption index continued its downward trend and recorded its sixth consecutive decline in August. Over the same period, the Big Data investment index recorded a YoY contraction.

The Big Data Consumption Index registered a YoY decline once again in July, while the Big Data Investment Index slowed its growth.

The Big Data Consumption Index registered a YoY decline once again in June, while the Big Data Investment Index accelerated its growth.

BBVA Research's big data consumption index for Peru (inflation-adjusted spending with cards and cash withdrawals) slowed for the fourth consecutive month. In particular, in March, the index registered a contraction (of 2.8%), indicating that family spending is weakening.

BBVA Research's big data consumption index for Peru (inflation-adjusted spending with cards and cash withdrawals) slowed down in December to 3.8% (November: 8.9%). In 2022 as a whole, the index registered growth of 8.4% (26.4% in 2021).