
Minimum wage

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December 23, 2024

Mexico | Minimum Wage Reform: Progress or Setback?

The Senate of the Republic approved a resolution mandating that minimum wages be adjusted annually, at least in line with inflation, to prevent the loss of purchasing power and benefit low-income workers.

January 12, 2024

Colombia | Indexation: old habits, for the new year

In Colombia, the indexation percentage is high and is usually tied to two main indicators: the previous year's inflation and the increase in the minimum wage for the current year. Indexation through inflation would impact 30.5% of the basket and through the minimum wage 27.9% of the basket.

December 11, 2023

Colombia | In search of a good minimum wage for all Colombians

At this time, talks on the minimum wage increase for the year 2024 have already begun and this decision affects formal workers directly and indirectly all workers, as the minimum wage is fundamental to the country's economy

March 14, 2023

Spain Economic Outlook. March 2023

GDP growth is revised upwards in 2022 and 2023 to 5.5% and 1.6%, respectively, and downwards in 2024 to 2.6%. The Spanish economy is holding up better than expected, although persistent inflation and the expectation of higher interest rates worsen the growth scenario for next year.

September 8, 2022

Mexico | The vicissitudes of inflation and the effects on households

A monetary policy that carries the reference interest rate to an excessively restrictive terrain in a context where long-term inflation expectations remain well anchored can have counterproductive effects.

February 21, 2022

Spain | So the minimum wage has gone up. Now what?

Now that the minimum wage approaches the target level of 60% of the average salary, we need to rethink employment and training policies. If we don’t, the unemployment rate, investment and productivity growth could all take a hit.

September 29, 2021

Spain | Getting to grips with the minimum wage and regional differences

The empirical evidence on the minimum wage provokes a heated debate on its increases and the need to differentiate it according to age and work experience, or region.

January 30, 2020

Toward a More Comprehensive View of the Minimum Wage

When increases in the minimum wage are determined based on the evolution of productivity and employment, a high minimum wage reflects—in the long-term—the good health of the economy, competition in its markets, its productive capacity and a high standard of living.