
Mario Draghi

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If there is one thing we have learned over the past two centuries of ups and downs, it is that the key to overcoming turbulent times is strong and shared economic growth.

There was much curiosity surrounding Christine Lagarde's first press conference following a meeting of the ECB's Governing Council. This was not so much over the tone of monetary policy—which followed the same lines as in Mario Draghi's era—but over how she would act in a fractured field where some did not welcome her.

The President of the European Central Bank (ECB) will be remembered for a number of things, and one of them is never having raised interest rates during his term, and in fact having lowered them to today's negative levels.

After eight years in office at the European Central Bank (ECB), it is time for Mario Draghi to pass the baton in eurozone monetary policy. Christine Lagarde will become the first woman to head the ECB.

The Italian economy has returned to the spotlight in recent weeks due to the risks that its fiscal policy may entail, and as a result of the noise generated by the proposals of something that may resemble a parallel currency.

The ECB has just added another twist to its unconventional monetary policy measures.

The ECB didn’t disappoint the market and announced a raft of measures that beat expectations, which were already high. In an attempt to take full advantage of the synergies, the ECB took measures on three fronts: rate cuts, expansion of the bond purchase program and liquidity provision for banks.

Aunque la Fed y el BCE escalaron la misma montaña –aunque por distintas rutas-, los dos banqueros centrales más poderosos del mundo tomarán caminos opuestos.