
Labour productivity

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The labor productivity gap between Spain and the eurozone has expanded over the past decade, despite higher gains in value added per hour and per worker in Spain since 2022.

Signs indicate a gradual slowdown/normalization of the labor market, with NIFB survey trends suggesting no acceleration in employment, alongside lower Job openings and quits indicating slower wage growth.

The objectives of this study aim to gauge the impact of the reduction in the legal maximum working hours, pinpoint potentially affected workers, estimate the macroeconomic repercussions, and propose economic policy measures to amplify the posit…

The minimum wage policy has been insufficient to attack the structural problems of the labor market. It has eclipsed the need to discuss more structural aspects of the economy that allow for a more robust labor market and a horizon for creating…

Wages will attract close attention in the coming months. First, because rising inflation is placing wages under strain. Second, because there is uncertainty as to how much bargaining power employees and employers will have.

With changes to labor regulations being proposed, priority should be given to addressing structural challenges that have not been resolved by the reforms that have taken place in recent years. Among these factors that are embedded in the Spanish economy is productivity.

Labor productivity in Spain is counter-cyclical, unlike in the majority of developed economies. This phenomenon is mainly due to the poor functioning of the labor market. There is an urgent need to adopt reforms to boost sustained productivity growth

In this paper, the productivity of the public sector in Spain is analyzed comparatively. Although the public sector is not the main cause behind the negative behavior of productivity in Spain, there is ample room for improvement to reach the le…

The General Purpose Technology advancements, Information Communication Technology and digitization, are the common factors behind three major trickle-down structural contributors to stagnant real wage growth – low productivity growth, the decli…

The prospects for the Portuguese economy are positive, although the country still has significant imbalances that could slow the pace of recovery if the reforming zeal shown in the past few years is not maintained.