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    Labor Force Participation

    BBVA Research Publications

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    September 27, 2024

    Colombia | Women to increase their labor force

    In Colombia, 76.4% of men are in the labour force. By contrast, only 52.1 per cent of women do so. This disparity, which is called the gender gap in the labour participation rate, is marked in Colombia, reaching 24.3 percentage points.

    December 29, 2022

    Türkiye | Drivers of Low Female Labor Force Participation

    Türkiye has the lowest female labor force participation rate amongst OECD members, where women constituted almost half of the male labor force participation. We compute a Conservatism Index to confirm that regions in Türkiye with higher conservatism have lower FLFPR mainly due to discouraging effect of unpaid care work.

    February 3, 2022

    Colombia | Unemployment rate, employment and labor force continued to decline

    In December, the national unemployment rate was 11.0% and the urban unemployment rate was 11.6%, lower by 2.4 and 4.0 percentage points, respectively, than in December 2020, but higher than in December 2019.