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The Colombian economy is cycling towards recovery, with projections of moderate growth. Increasing investment and improving infrastructure are needed to accelerate the pace. Seizing local and external opportunities is crucial. Public-private collaboration is key to achieving economic goals.

Banca de las Oportunidades recently published its 2023 financial inclusion report. According to the report, in 2023, Colombia reached almost universal financial inclusion. However, its credit inclusion is still low.

The GDP grew by 0.7% YoY in the first quarter. The growth slowed down, with March being the month with the least activity among the three months. Domestic demand was the main source of the low growth. The performance of fixed investment and the…

The saving rate in Colombia transitioned from satisfactory levels to finance investment and long-term growth at the end of the first decade of this century and the beginning of the second, to a level that is among the lowest in the world and in…

The Big Data Consumption and Investment Indicators anticipate that domestic demand would have recovered in the first quarter of the year and would have maintained the pace at the beginning of the second quarter (April).

Since the 2023 growth results were released, there has been a discussion about the fall in investment. The investment rate in recent years has been decreasing, and compared to other countries there are negative gaps. Measures must be taken now to increase the country's growth capacity.

The Spanish economy continues to grow, and has even accelerated in recent months. However, it does so with investment flagging, despite the support provided by the steady flow of resources from Europe.

This press article provides advice on some general considerations that must be taken into account when investing in financial assets.

This year will go from less to more, but it could trend even more positively if investment gains momentum. This hinges on broader factors like the country's medium-term outlook concerning growth, fiscal matters, regulations, and inflation, amon…

The growth of the Colombian economy was exceptionally low in 2023, registering at 0.6%. The primary culprit for this outcome was the steep decline in investment. Concerns extend beyond the short term, as the low investment rates will constrain …

There is tension in the public administration between how easy and fast public funds can reach businesses and families and the need to check that the funds will be used for the intended purpose. This causes delays in awarding subsidies and projects.

The Colombian economy expanded by 0.6% in 2023. The deceleration accentuated in the second half. Domestic demand contracted by 3.8%, weighed down by a decline in investment and the modest increase in private consumption. The external sector propelled the GDP, aided by a reduction in imports and the resilience of exports.