
Informal employment

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Poverty was reduced in Colombia last year. In 2023, 338 thousand people were lifted out of multidimensional poverty, bringing poverty from 12.9% of the population in 2022 to 12.1% in 2023. And it was reduced mainly in the countryside. Informality and low years of education weigh heavily on poverty in Colombia.

The growth of employment, and consequently the low levels of unemployment, have made it possible to increase the total wage bill, which is currently 3.0% above the pre-pandemic level; however, this gain has been due to the generation of low-paid jobs and the loss of employment of more than 2 Minimum Wages (MW)

The generation of low-paid jobs characterizes the recovery of the labor market. Despite the high inflation levels, real wages and the wage bill maintain positive growth. We expect formal employment to continue posting favorable year-on-year gro…

2021 is shaping up to be historic in formal job creation, but risks persist. Forward data of September would point to a job creation unprecedented in the last 24 years.

In 9 out of 10 households, there was a fall in labor income. The lag in the labor market's recovery prevails, with high levels of unemployment, underemployment and informality, and a slow creation of formal employment.