
inflation expectations

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April 12, 2024

Colombia | Rates can fall faster: the economy needs it and inflation allows for this

Banco de la República has reduced its policy rate by one percentage point since November 2023. This brings the rate to 12.25%, still a high level, especially considering that March inflation stood at 7.4% and the most recent activity figures point to a stagnant economy.

July 14, 2022

China | China’s role in global inflation: stabilizer or contributor?

We analyze whether China exports inflation to the world and conclude that the answer is not in the short term since the pandemic outbreak but China will contribute to global inflation in the long term.

June 6, 2022

Colombia |Annual inflation in May falls to 9.07%, but still far from victory

In May, monthly inflation was 0.84% and annual inflation was 9.07%, close to the expectations of market analysts and BBVA Research (0.80% monthly change).