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The meetings of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) are useful to gauge the health of the economy and analyze the challenges it faces. The snapshot this year has been upbeat since global growth forecasts have been revised up and the IMF has attached less importance to the myriad risks it had outlined.

This week the meetings organized each year by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank are taking place, just a few weeks after episodes of financial turbulence occurred.

At the meetings just held in Washington, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has raised strong concerns over the rampant levels of inflation, the interest rate hikes that may be needed to keep it in check and the risk to the financial system,…

With a better than expected 2022, Argentina will face a complex 2023, with a drop in the level of activity and high inflation that will lead to a stagflation scenario. The main challenges will be the rollover of debt in the local market for cha…

The deviations from the targets agreed with the IMF triggered a deterioration of expectations and the economic situation, deepened by political tensions. Economic activity will slow down more than expected in the coming quarters.

The government reached an enforceable agreement with the IMF, avoiding a default scenario. This is good news for Argentina, but its gradual approach does not change the overall macroeconomic scenario, nor does the absence of structural reforms create the conditions for a sustainable growth path.

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has reported on the results of the annual assessment of the Mexican economy for 2019. The IMF approves a new flexible credit line for Mexico. Commercial banking contributed to growth in 1H19. Adjustments for securities operations. Amendments for bank correspondents.

National Corporate Financing Survey (ENAFIN 2018). The International Monetary Fund (IMF) updates its Global Financial Stability Report. Real estate services grow 1.3% in the first half of 2019.

The most frequently repeated words during meetings and conversations last week in Washington were: low growth, political interference, trade war, downside risk, negative rates, financial instability, green economy, uncertainty, unilateralism an…

The Spanish economy is currently solid, although there seems to be a growing feeling of vulnerability. The growth in GDP remained at around 0.6% per quarter at the start of the year, which in annualized terms means a growth rate of approximatel…

The annual and spring meetings of the IMF and the World Bank have taken the pulse of the global economy and assessed its prospects, risks and challenges. There were no surprises in the forecasts. The IMF revised its world growth rate forecast downwards to 3.7% for 2018 and 2019, with rather more disparity than previously am…

The debate on how to advance towards greater integration in Europe is intensifying with the approach of June, the self-imposed deadline for Europe’s leaders to come up with specific new reforms for the euro zone. The International Monetary Fund has recently joined the fray with a proposal for a stabilisation fund to cushion…