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The production of liquid hydrocarbons of Pemex Exploration and Production (PEP) in the first quarter of 2024 vs. the previous quarter showed a decrement of 36 thousand barrels a day mainly due to a lower production of superlight crude oil plus condensates by 29 thousand barrels a day.

The production of liquid hydrocarbons in the fourth quarter of 2023 showed a quarterly decrement of 15.3 thousand barrels a day due to a reduction of 21.7 thousand barrels a day of Pemex’s crude oil production despite an increase of 7.0 thousand barrels a day of condensates.

The measures taken by the Ministry of Finance and Public Credit and the Tax Administration Service represent discriminatory treatment of private companies with anti-competitive effects.

Hidrocarburos: la producción continuó declinando, pero las mayores inversiones en shale gas debido a los incentivos de precios y acuerdos laborales ofrecidos en Vaca Muerta revertirían la tendencia en el mediano plazo. Electricidad: perspectiva…

Argentina requires to recover oil and gas production and reserves after years of declining investment and a context of lower international prices. The new government started to deregulate the sector, giving more autonomy to the province adminis…