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    household consumption

    BBVA Research Publications

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    March 5, 2025

    Türkiye | Quarterly Debt Outlook. First Quarter 2025

    The overall total FX position of the economy deteriorated in 4Q24. Public sector’s short FX position continues to decline whereas private sector’s long position deteriorates due to the real sector.

    August 23, 2024

    Spain | Wealth: another housing issue

    Wealth stagnation may be influencing consumption and investment decisions. The recovery of prices in the real estate sector will help to improve the trend. However, the concentration of wealth in housing has negative externalities.

    June 17, 2024

    Spain | Consumption shackles growth

    Several institutions, including BBVA Research, have upgraded their GDP expectations for Spain. However, different factors are limiting the growth of private consumption.

    September 5, 2022

    Spain | Household debts and savings, how are we doing?

    At the dawn of a possible new crisis derived from inflationary pressures, it is worth asking how Spanish households are doing in terms of their balance sheet of financial assets and liabilities, and whether we should be concerned about rising interest rates.

    January 25, 2021

    Spain | The Golden Rule

    Household savings increased significantly during the second quarter of 2020, reaching 24.4% of gross disposable income. That is more than double the previous high seen in 2009. There are several reasons for this.

    September 3, 2020

    Big Data techniques used

    Peru | Real-time analysis of the impact of COVID-19 on consumption (up to August 31)

    Card consumption slowed down in the second half of August, but its level remains above that recorded in a similar period in 2019. The decline was in line with the return of mandatory confinement measures on Sundays and a normalization of pace of expenditure

    August 19, 2019

    Who buys a car?

    A recent BBVA Research study shows that the likelihood of buying a car declined during the crisis, and has barely gained momentum in recovery.