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    March 29, 2021

    Global | The new normal of international trade

    The expansion of global trade has slowed in recent years, following a long period of exuberance. How will trade flows evolve over the next decade, taking into account recent trends such as the pandemic and climate change, as well as other factors?

    March 23, 2021

    Global | Prospects of international trade by 2030

    International trade will slow down by 2030, due to both traditional factors (technology, economic development, trade policies) and new determinants (COVID-19, sustainability).

    January 12, 2021

    Global | Rebuilding trust in the digital age

    COVID-19 dealt a heavy blow that moved us firmly into the digital age. Thus, in 2021 it will be crucial to shape and strengthen the agreements and institutions to thrive in such a landscape. And there are various obstacles to overcome in that regard.

    June 18, 2018

    G7, wounded in action

    The US’ decision, just hours after the G7 summit, not to support its closing joint communiqué reaffirming the need for regulated, open multilateral global trade, may have come as a surprise to many, but it was not really surprising.

    March 19, 2018

    The paradoxical return of protectionism

    Globalisation is very closely related with economic development. The periods of greatest dynamism in trade and GDP were the decades leading up to the WW I, those following WW II and the period between the mid-1980s and the onset of the crisis in 2009. This latter period was characterised by the prominent role played by emerging markets and technological improvements.