
Global warming

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November 18, 2024

Spain | The economic effects of the DANA

Although it has been only a few days and we only have preliminary estimates, the data that we are receiving indicate that the economic effects of the DANA have been very significant at a local level.

November 12, 2024

Türkiye | The impact of climate change on tourism demand in Türkiye

Tourism activities are highly dependent on weather conditions, and hence, vulnerable to the impact of climate change. Our analysis of Turkish tourism demand within the context of climate conditions points to possible changes in seasonality and quantity of tourism flows across provinces, depending on their tourism type.

September 30, 2024

Spain | Climate change, both a challenge and an opportunity for Spanish tourism

The tourism industry in Spain must adapt to the expected changes in climatic conditions by increasing hotel capacity in the north of the country, improving facilities and infrastructure and diversifying tourist attraction areas, thus ensuring greater growth and long-term sustainability.

September 20, 2024

Spain | The Impact of Climate Change on Tourism Demand in Spain

Climate is a relevant factor in the choice of a tourist destination. Changes in climate conditions could alter the seasonal and geographical pattern of tourism in Spain, with the impact depending on the adaptation policies implemented.

January 11, 2021

Global | From Paris to Glasgow: quickly, quickly

The United Nations Environment Program's Emissions Gap Report 2020 estimates that greenhouse gas emissions will have fallen by between 2% and 12% compared to 2019, but a transitory decline is not enough.