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    general elections

    BBVA Research Publications

    general elections latest publications

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    September 24, 2019

    The economic cost of the political blockade

    Spain is heading for its fourth general election in four years. The Spanish economy has slowed during this period, with GDP growth falling from 4% at the end of 2015 to 2.1% in the second quarter of 2019.

    June 28, 2016

    Los retos económicos tras el 26J

    Las elecciones de ayer nos vuelven a poner delante de los mismos retos que hace seis meses. El más urgente es reducir la tasa de paro estructural y crear empleo productivo y estable.

    December 7, 2015

    20-D and the quest for prosperity

    The upcoming general election should serve to debate the major challenges facing Spanish society. And among these, no doubt, those of an economic hue.