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Mexico imposes temporary tariffs between 5% and 50% on the import of 544 tariff items applicable to products from countries with which it does not have trade agreements, including China, and subsequently rectifies some tariffs.

Chinese economy slowed down in Q2 amid housing crash and deflation expectation. We expect the economy could bottom out in the rest of year with the help of policy support.

China's exports and imports are experiencing some structural change. The forced Chinese version of imports substitution industrialization indicates value chain upgrading and technology self-sufficiency.

It is important to understand what was going on in the past year’s BoP abnormalities and to predict this year’s BoP items while investigating the sustainability of these abnormalities.

RCEP is a trade agreement between countries in Asia and Oceania, which forms the largest trading bloc in the world measured by its population, GDP and amount of international trade. The treaty was signed on November 15, but the ratification of …

With the data available in the third quarter, it is already possible to know that the growth of the Mexican economy in 2019 will be around zero. This is because, as of the last quarter of last year, three consecutive quarters with negative growth were observed, followed by one without growth.

Argentina mantiene una baja participación en el comercio mundial. Las exportaciones argentinas se han visto muy afectadas por cambios políticos y regulatorios. Ha aumentado la diversificación de destinos pero no la de productos. Dos de los principales productos de exportación -automóviles y soja- se destinan a los dos mayor…