
Foreign Direct Investment

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January 20, 2025

Spain | Spain - U.S. trade relations in the face of possible tariff increases

The direct impact on the Spanish economy of a possible increase in tariffs on U.S. imports is expected to be limited, given the relatively lower trade exposure with respect to the rest of the Eurozone countries. However, there are regions, sectors and companies that may be particularly affected.

March 15, 2024

Mexico | Mexico is now the largest exporter to the US

By the end of 2023, Mexico recorded a trade deficit of 5,463 million dollars ($5.46 bn). Manufacturing leads both exports and imports. Mexico solidified its position as the leading supplier in the US market while FDI dropped slightly in 2023.

October 13, 2023

Mexico | Tax incentives for key exporting industries

On October 11, the Mexican government published in the Official Gazette (DOF) a decree granting tax incentives to key sectors of the export industry such as the immediate deduction of the investment in new fixed assets and additional deductions of labor training expenses.

September 4, 2023

Mexico | Foreign Direct Investment: positive performance

Recently, the Ministry of Economy published preliminary data on the Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) flows that entered the country during the first half of the year.

August 18, 2023

Mexico | Foreign investors' claims against Mexico

There is an exponential growth of foreign investors' claims against Mexico. This press article analyzes the cases that Mexico has faced under the investor-State Dispute Settlement contained in international trade agreements and other treaties.

May 10, 2022

Mexico | Stagnation of Mexican competitiveness in the US market of imports

The trade war between China and the US and, to a lesser degree, the effects of the pandemic caused the former to lose 4.2 percentage points of share in the US market of manufactured imports between 2018 and 2021.