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The 2021-2023 pension reform has resulted in a system that will be more generous, but less contributory and self-sufficient, as social security contributions are not able to finance the higher expenditure on pensions.

Following several years of relative calm, global debt has been steadily growing since the 2008 financial crisis. Aside from the question of public debt, corporate debt grew sharply from 73% of GDP in 2008 to peak at 102% in 2020, at the height of the pandemic.

Investment has yet to return to pre-COVID-19 levels, unlike other GDP components. Whereas real GDP in the third quarter of 2023 was 2.1 p.p. above its pre-crisis level, investment was 2.9 p.p. below.

Credit is on the decline for businesses and households alike, as interest rates continue to rise. Perhaps most notably, it is doing so while the recovery continues. The deleveraging of the Spanish economy is not just a recent trend, and is like…

The financial system remains strong in Uruguay. Financial intermediation, the core business of the banking sector, is expanding without losing quality. The current situation provides a good starting point to face the pending challenges.

In Spanish, the term “resilience” only really became popular after the 2008 financial crisis, but today it has taken center stage in all economic policy debate.

The increase in long-term interest rates has generated some anxiety in the markets, but this should not pose a threat to global growth.

A sound system that enables corporate restructurings and insolvencies to be managed quickly and efficiently, that strives to help viable companies stay afloat and ensures that creditors' and debtors’ rights are protected, is key to a country's …

The European Union has resumed one of its most ambitious projects: the Capital Markets Union. The European Commission's first action plan was announced five years ago (2015), but no real progress in the integration of the European markets has b…

Last Thursday, we learned that eurozone banks requested a large amount of liquidity (EUR 1.3 trillion) from the ECB's fourth TLTRO III operation.

Emerging assets have successfully managed to overcome a turbulent year, marked by increased protectionism and fears of a sharp slowdown in the world economy.

The publication of world debt data, compiled by the Institute of International Finance (IIF) from various sources, estimates that debt increased again in the second quarter of 2019, reaching 320% of GDP worldwide.