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Banco de México reiterated the resilience of the financial system in the face of the adverse shock of the pandemic, as credits granted remain weak (-8.8% YoY in April) and levels of bank deposits remain close to historical highs.

CNBV designates commercial banking institutions of local systemic importance. BIS annual economic report. The origination of mortgage financing from banks fell 18.2% in real terms. Adverse economic effects of the COVID-19 outbreak in the US slows down the recovery of financial markets at the end of July.

Early equity optimism in Europe driven by the positive manufacturing data from China was erased amid new trade concerns, political risk in Germany and worse-than-expected US manufacturing data.

The Capital Flows to Emerging Markets are normally associated to positive consequences but unfortunately can have perverse effects when they slow down or suddenly stop. A simple model of “Pull & Push” factors can be useful to understand the dri…

“It’s a common defect of men to overlook the storm during the calm.” N. Machiavelli.

The European Commission has presented an Action Plan to promote innovation in the financial sector, setting the roadmap for fintech in Europe. Most initiatives are positive for the EU financial market, but more ambition is needed if Europe aims to become a global fintech hub.

In this issue we review: Trends and developments in the Spanish banking sector. Spanish banks’ ROE, COE and P/BV ratio. Evolution of the financial burden of families in Europe. Management of non-performing assets in Europe. Peru: deposits in soles and exchange rate expectations.

La literatura económica indica que la carga financiera es un importante predictor del sobreendeudamiento de las familias, y se señala el nivel del 20% de la renta disponible de la unidad familiar como un límite crítico.

Los depósitos en el sistema financiero peruano se establecen en soles y en US$. Los primeros mantienen, principalmente, la función de transaccional de la economía y los segundos como depósito de valor. En los trasvases de uno a otro, el tipo de…

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  • Peru

The international community, and especially the rest of Europe, is holding its breath over the referendum to be held in Italy on 4 December. Ratification of the constitutional reform seeking among other things to curtail the powers of the Senat…

El sistema bancario español se está enfrentando a una gran cantidad de retos desde la crisis económico-financiera de 2008.

NPL ratios are much higher in peripheral countries than in core countries (as well as coverage ratios); The stress test might have been benign for some banking sectors; The cost of risk in the stress test does not stay at 2013 levels as impairments in 2014 are usually lower than those of 2013.