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In March 2024, the balance of the current credit portfolio granted by commercial banks to the non-financial private sector (SPNF) registered a real annual growth of 4.9%, while the balance of traditional bank deposits (sight + term) registered a real annual growth rate of 4.5%.

In October 2023, the balance of traditional bank deposits (sight + term) registered a real annual growth rate of 4.5%, while the balance of the current credit portfolio granted by commercial banks to the non-financial private sector (NFPS) recorded a real annual growth of 5.9%.

In the latest report on financial stability in the eurozone, the European Central Bank (ECB) analyzes the main vulnerabilities and risks, warns about the uncertainty in the macroeconomic and financial environment and its impact on the different…

The European Central Bank (ECB) had to make a decision in difficult circumstances on Thursday, amid strong financial market turmoil and with the banking sector in the eye of the storm. It raised rates by 50 basis points to 3.50%.

During January 2023, the real balance of the current credit portfolio granted by commercial banks to the non-financial private sector (NFPS) grew 4.6% YoY, while traditional bank deposits (sight + term) exhibited a real YoY fall of - 0.1%.

2022 has been a year of transition for banking. It started off with a lot of dynamism, as the economic recovery was expected to consolidate, leaving the pandemic behind us. But the war initiated by Russia in Ukraine radically changed the course of events.

According to the Financial Stability Report (Banxico) and the Analysis on the Stability of the Mexican Financial System (IMF), the most relevant risk to the Mexcian financial system is that of additional and sustained tightening of financial conditions in a context of high inflation and lower prospects for economic growth.

We share the conclusion reached by the FSR regarding the soundness of the financial system and we agree with the idea that some institutions of the banking system - none of systemic importance - may still have solvency problems, although this d…

A few days ago, Bank of Spain published its latest financial stability report. In these half-yearly reports, the supervisor assesses the main risks and vulnerabilities to the stability of the Spanish financial system.

The principle of “same activity, same risk, same regulation” is key to achieve a level playing field for all providers of financial services. This Economic Watch analyses this principle, with a focus on the “same risk” element, and explores pro…

We display the recent Evergrande crisis, discuss the possibility of default and the possible reactions by the authorities. We also conclude it will not lead to a systematic risk to the whole economy.

On July 30, the European Banking Authority (EBA) published the results of the stress tests it regularly carries out on the major European Union banks. The top 50 banks (covering 70% of total EU banking assets) were analyzed for a baseline and an adverse scenario over a three-year horizon.