Financial resilience
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September 4, 2020
Financial vulnerability of households facing COVID-19 pandemia: A global perspective
Lockdowns due to COVID-19 and the subsequent crisis have caused many individuals to stop working or substantially reduce their work hours, with the corresponding decrease or loss of the main source of income. The analysis of the financial vulnerability of households becomes especially important.
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August 30, 2019
Disentangling Vulnerability through Consumer Behavior: The Role of Financial Health
This paper analyzes the effect of financial participation on consumer's financial vulnerability, which is pervasive in the developing world. The financial behavior of consumers (i.e. financial health) has a greater positive effect on financial vulnerability than the narrower concept of financial inclusion.
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January 2, 2019
Financial Resilience of Brazilian Households
Many individuals and households experience moments of financial difficulty, prompted either by a personal shock, such as losing a job, or an economy-wide shock, such as a recession. Financial resilience is key for consumer welfare and the formal financial system plays an important role.
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